Understanding Prediabetes Course

Required Reading!
Course Expires August 3, 2025
Credits: 8
Accreditations: CDR, CBDCE
Required Reading

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Interpret and integrate evidence-based research and literature on prediabetes in decision-making with this case based self-study course!

Bonus!  The following Free Webinar worth 1 CPE will be automatically added to your shopping cart at no charge: Reducing the Trifecta of Metabolic Risks in Type 2 Diabetes Webinar. Live session held on June 20, 2024 from 2:00-3:00 ET.

This continuing professional education (CPE) self-study course includes required reading that is a comprehensive guide to the pathophysiology, complications, management, and reversal of prediabetes. The book provides an overview of the demographic, anthropometric, biobehavioral and biochemical factors that drive the transition from normal blood glucose to prediabetes. It also provides evidence-based information on the management of prediabetes and prevention of type 2 diabetes. The book is based on the premise that reversal of prediabetes and restoration of normal blood glucose levels carries numerous benefits and should be a primary goal of intervention in people with prediabetes. Topics covered include:

  • Overview of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of diabetes.
  • Evolution of terminology, global estimates, and diagnosis.
  • Demographic, anthrometric, and behavioral predictors of progression from normal glucose regulation to prediabetes.
  • Biochemical, hemodynamic, and inflammatory predictors of progression from normal glucose regulation to diabetes.
  • Insights from genomics, transciptomics, microRNAs, metabolomics, and microbiomes.
  • Progression to type 2 diabetes and development of premature microvascular and macrovascular complications.
  • Approach to prevent progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes.
  • Reversal of prediabetes and restoration of normal glucose regulation.
  • Translating diabetes prevention practice in the community.
  • Exploratory approaches to preventing type 2 diabetes.

A case-study based exam helps the reader apply the information to their work setting and patients. 

Course includes hard copy book, electronic test and 1 certificate with passing grade.

Already have the book? Under “Product Options” simply choose “CPE Test Only” to purchase the CPE Self-Study Program.

After completing this continuing professional education course, the learner should be able to:

  1. Interpret and integrates evidence-based research and literature on prediabetes in decision-making.
  2. Integrate relevant information with previous learning experience, professional knowledge, and current practice models as they pertain to prediabetes.
  3. Integrate new knowledge of prediabetes into practice.
  4. Identify determinants of health and influences on population health status as they relate to prediabetes.

This course is intended for: RDNs and CDCES

CDR Activity Number: 171510 Self Study Activity Type: 720 Printed

CPE Level: II

Suggested CDR Performance Indicators:

  • 4.1.2 Interprets and integrates evidence-based research and literature in decision-making.
  • 4.2.6 Integrates relevant information with previous learning, experience, professional knowledge, and current practice models.
  • 8.2.4 Integrates new knowledge of disease states and clinical conditions into practice.
  • 12.2.1 Identifies determinants of health and influences on population health status.

Note: Numerous other Performance Indicators may apply.

This self-study course includes required reading, a downloadable course document and an online exam with multiple choice, case study based questions. Upon passing the test, the learner can download and print the certificate.

Required Reading for this Course: Prediabetes: A Fundamental Text. Arlington VA: American Diabetes Association; 2021.

Disclaimer: The text associated with this course is required solely for the course taker to learn the underlying principles that will be applied in taking a case-study based exam. Neither the authors nor the publishers of the text/book have contributed to or endorsed this course.


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This course offers a review of research and knowledge to help educators and people living with diabetes understand the value of lifestyle changes to prevent the diagnosis of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
- Understanding Prediabetes Course
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES
The Understanding Prediabetes self-study course makes a good CPE program because it covers the basics of prediabetes assessment and prevention of progression to type 2 diabetes. Various factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, diet, and medications are explored, which should be considered with this complex condition and dietitians should be equipped to discuss these factors.
- Understanding Prediabetes Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDCES

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