Malnutrition Awareness Week™ is here! Get $20 off our Adult Malnutrition Course with code Malnutrition20. Offer ends 9/20/24 at midnight!



The continuing education course is an excellent resource for advanced health care professionals working with outpatient nutrition care. The course is divided by disease processes: GI diseases and food allergies, liver disease and metabolic syndromes as well as enteral and parenteral nutrition and supplements. There is specific focus on "novel approaches" and "outdated practice" to keep the seasoned health care practitioner up to date and well informed. Overall, this is an advanced course that covers detailed disease management therapy and medical nutrition therapy, a must have for anyone working with advanced nutrition therapy.

Home Nutrition Support, Gastrointestinal & Metabolic Nutrition Care Course
Emma Fogt, MBA, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND

This CPE program gives a more in-depth review of the important role that plant-based nutrition has in health and chronic conditions. Since this topic touches every nutrition professional's lives, this is an excellent topic to use for an assessment of knowledge and skills.

Using a Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Eating Pattern to Support Disease Management Course
Amy Hess-Fischl, MS, RDN, LDN, BC-ADM, CDCES

Application of the nutrition care process with CKD can be a challenge because of disease and patient complexity. This CPE program provides the nutrition professional with a good resource to better understand this process in an easy-to-understand format with several different case studies.

Managing Chronic Kidney Disease with the Nutrition Care Process Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This course is a good choice for dietitians working in all stages of kidney disease. The case study format utilizing the Nutrition Care Process makes the material a good review for the CSR examination.

Managing Chronic Kidney Disease with the Nutrition Care Process Course
Nadia Marzella, MS, RDN, CSR, LD

I feel this would make an excellent CPE program because it uses very challenging, but realistic case study examples to utilize critical thinking and problem solving for a dietitian working in a CKD or Dialysis setting. This CPE program is short, but packs in great examples of how to manage a patient with CKD or ESRD and does a great job referencing the recommended reading material as well as updated guidelines. I would recommend this course for a good review for a dialysis/CKD dietitian or someone who aspires to learn more on this subject matter!

Managing Chronic Kidney Disease with the Nutrition Care Process Course
Lauren Begnel, RD, CSR, LD

The BDA Diet and Nutrition Care Manual is the preferred reference for most SNFs providing an excellent resource for the entire interdisciplinary team. This CPE program will solidify knowledge and provide confidence for the Dietitian.

Diet and Nutrition Care Manual 2024 Simplified Edition Course
Katy Adams, MDA, RD, CSG, LD

Any nutrition professional could use this manual as an education tool regardless of whether or not the professional is just out of an internship setting or has been in practice for some time. Why? Because this manual and course provide a thorough review of all illnesses and disease states that are likely to be presented, along with the evidence-based practice to deal with those illnesses and disease states. In addition to being an accurate and evidence-based manual, the references and links to the research are given.

Diet and Nutrition Care Manual 2024 Simplified Edition Course
B. Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN

This was a very comprehensive and thorough dive into PCOS, which affects so many women currently. The required reading was easy-to-read, enjoyable, and had interesting case studies to follow. The self study course offered challenging questions with quite a few distractors, which made you have to really think about the answers. This will be a great course for fellow dietitians to gain more knowledge on how to navigate PCOS diagnoses in their patients.

Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Course
Ashley Sponsky, MS, RD, LDN

This course can help the nutrition professional expand their competency in diabetes self-management education and support, since medications for people with diabetes is an essential education conversation.

A Dietitian’s Guide to Medications for Patients with Diabetes, 13th Edition Course
Amy Hess-Fischl, MS, RDN, LDN, BC-ADM, CDCES

This course would make an excellent CPE program as it complements the required reading book well with additional perspectives and resources for both the care provider and client.

Using Mindfulness to Deepen Your Intuitive Eating Practice

NAFLD is on the rise and healthcare professionals are likely to come across patients with metabolic syndrome and this condition. Learning about its causes and treatment options through this CPE program and required reading will equip you for speaking about it further with patients.

A Review of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Short Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDCES

Since Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is becoming more common for individuals with obesity and diabetes, this course gives the nutrition professional the information needed to better understand the treatment recommendations and increase competency to successfully counsel an individual on the treatment recommendation.

A Review of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Short Course

This CPE program covers the MOST important aspect of our clinical and professional practice skills that every nutrition professional should consider obtaining.

Developing Coaching Skills: A Concise Introduction

RDs often find themselves in scenarios where they will be coaching staff and/or patients. In addition, career planning and success may involve the use of an individual having the proper coaching skills. This CPE program provides information of not only how coaching works, it offers guidance for development of coaching skills. I would recommend this CPE program to RDs, DTRs and CDMs along with any other healthcare professional to develop coaching skills.

Developing Coaching Skills: A Concise Introduction
Brenda Richardson, MA, RDN, LDN, FAND

This CPE program provides a great opportunity for health professionals to understand ways to move toward Medicine 3.0 which is founded in prevention.

Understanding Longevity: The Art and Science of Extending Life
SeAnne Waite, PhD, RDN, LD

A smoking-hot health topic, explored within the pages of a book now held by over a million readers worldwide...It is crucial for nutrition experts to thoroughly delve into, comprehend and assist others in deciphering (and applying) the science and methodologies outlined in the required reading and the CPE program, promoting longer and healthier lives.

Understanding Longevity: The Art and Science of Extending Life
Sue Linja, RDN, LD

Nutrition and kidney disease can be a complex topic to learn for the new or more experienced registered dietitian nutritionist. This CPE program is an excellent resource because it makes use of a comprehensive resource and breaks down the information into manageable and applicable steps with nutrition care of this patient population.

Kidney Disease: Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment and Management Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

The required reading for this course is a primary reference and study material for renal dietitians seeking to take the Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition exam due to the comprehensive nature of the book. This CPE course allows for a complete review of the material.

Kidney Disease: Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment and Management Course
Nadia Marzella, MS, RDN, CSR, LD

This would make a great CPE program because this information is utilized on a daily basis when working in the world of dialysis. Much of this information could be utilized inpatient and in ICU settings as well. This program will be very helpful for those looking to learn more about the nutritional care of a patient with kidney disease or those looking to further their knowledge and build upon their existing skills in the renal field!

Kidney Disease: Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment and Management Course
Lauren Begnel, RD, CSR, LD

Due to the growing rate of food allergies not only in the United States but worldwide, this course is vital to the education of current and future nutrition professionals.

Nutrition Management of Food Allergies Course
Lisa Cooperman, MS, RDN

This self-study course uses the most current and comprehensive guide on the subject of food allergies for nutrition professionals. The material created to evaluate practitioners understanding of the content is an excellent Level II CPEU course!

Nutrition Management of Food Allergies Course
Eva Weston, RDN, LD, NBC-HWC

Every nutrition professional should have a basic understanding of food allergies and how to manage them. This is a great, comprehensive course for those looking to improve on their knowledge in this area.

Nutrition Management of Food Allergies Course
Andrea Lopofsky, RD, CNSC, LDN

It is vital for dietitians to have a solid understanding of the science and stories from the healthies oldest humans around the world. This course is well written, easy to comprehend and adeptly ties in the concepts of nutritional science, humanity and the centenarians living in the Blue Zones. Together, the book, Netflix series and this course make the perfect educational trio for the nutrition professional.

Blue Zones: Keys to Longevity Course
Sue Linja, RDN, LD

This is a very popular book and Netflix Series that dietitians should be aware of. Dietitians can expect to get a lot of questions from their clients on various content from these resources. This CPE course provides evidence based information to arm dietitians with knowledge, skills and content to be prepared to work effectively with their clients.

Blue Zones: Keys to Longevity Course
SeAnne Waite, PhD, RDN, LD

This self-study course is an interesting and informative review of cultural, social and geographical impacts on food, health habits as they relate to chronic disease, psychosocial wellness and longevity. This course elevates awareness of need for considering cultural diversity and appreciation of social determinants of health including food choices, food preparation, physical activity, and community and family impacts.

Blue Zones: Keys to Longevity Course

The topic of leadership in nutrition is so crucial for the nutrition professional to expand their horizons and elevate their positions. This CPE program allows the reader to dig into the required reading and better absorb the content. The self-assessment helps guide the reader to better solidify the key concepts.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills in Nutrition and Dietetics
Amy Hess-Fischl, MS, RDN, LDN, BC-ADM, CDCES

This makes an excellent CPE program. It employs a well-designed, robust study to address the association between weight status and mortality in older adults. The questions posed in this CPE program are relevant to understanding the most pertinent information from the study.

Change in Body Size and Mortality Among Healthy Older Adults
Kate Willcutts, DCN, RDN, CNSC, FASPEN

With the growth of continuing care retirement communities, nursing homes and other long term care communities, employment opportunities will expand for nutrition professionals. Weight loss is a frequent problem within this market and this course provides information that will benefit RDNs and NDTRs.

Change in Body Size and Mortality Among Healthy Older Adults
B. Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND

We often hear mixed messages about plant-based diets. "They are super healthy." "They aren't healthy at all." This self study course provides the opportunity to examine the available research on low-fat plant-based vegan diets and see the evidence firsthand. Clinicians will be better able to educate their clients and providers, providing concrete facts regarding the benefits of low-fat vegan diets. They will also be able to support clients making dietary changes and ensure that their clients meet nutritional needs while seeking an improvement in weight and overall health.

Low-Fat Vegan Diet and Metabolic Health in Overweight Adults
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

The strength of this CPE program is how easily translatable the data is to clinical practice. The course provides specific data about which food groups included in a low-fat vegan diet provide the most benefits to body weight and fat mass reduction, so if patients are interested in experimenting with a plant-based lifestyle, this course gives good data about where to start for the greatest impact. The course also provides expected parameters for patients who experiment with a low-fat vegan diet.

Low-Fat Vegan Diet and Metabolic Health in Overweight Adults
Cassie Christopher, MD, RDN

Every nutrition professional should take this course, as it is a comprehensive review of multiple aspects of adult nutrition! It is well referenced, covers a multitude of scenarios that are possible, and up to date with regards to practice.

Adult Malnutrition: A Comprehensive View of Diagnosis and Treatment Course
B. Burgin Ross, MS, RDN

This self study course and required reading clearly identify the concern of low muscle mass and malnutrition in a wide variety of individuals. The exceptional presentation of this research information is vital for dietitians working in all areas of practice.

Assessing and Treating Low Muscle Mass and Malnutrition
Sue Linja, RDN, LD

I love this course! I learned a lot, and I feel like that is hard to do for me given my experience.

Nutrition for Patients/Residents in Palliative Care Course
Jamie Smith, MS, RD, CSG, LDN

Every nutrition professional will likely encounter situations in which end of life care and palliative care decisions will be presented for consideration by the health care team. This crosses all settings including long term care, dialysis, acute care, etc. We each will also be presented with such decision making in our personal lives and can benefit from a better understanding of what makes palliative care unique and worthy of consideration. Every nutrition professional should consider this course at some point in their career.

Nutrition for Patients/Residents in Palliative Care Course
B. Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND

This makes an excellent CPE program! If a clinician learns everything in this program, I could consider them educated in the top 99% of all RDNs for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries.

Nutrition Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries 2023 Course
Sue Linja, RDN. LD

I love how comprehensive the guidelines are and how the course is set up with practical scenarios. It gives the practitioner ways to communicate nutrition's importance in healing pressure injuries. Those who take this course will get valuable, evidenced-based knowledge on how to treat pressure injuries.

Nutrition Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries 2023 Course
Doreen Rodo, Med, RD, LD

This course is excellent and well written. It would be advantageous to read prior to taking the Nutrition Wound Care Certification. It is also a must for any RDN who is part of a wound care team or provides nutritional interventions for people with pressure injuries.

Nutrition Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries 2023 Course
Anna de Jesus, MBA, RDN

In line with the need to make behavior changes to support the planet, this course offers an excellent tool for the RDN to see the role in which food plays with this goal. As demonstrated in the course, small changes with diet education and an emphasis on more of a plant-based diet approach with clients can have a significant impact.

Plate to Planet: Impact of Food Choices on the Planet course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This course and required reading are timely and highlight the future and challenges of the world's food system. With the double burden of global obesity and hunger mixed in with an industrialized food system and climate change, we as dietitians/nutrition experts need to step up to the plate and help educate the population to save the planet one plate at a time.

Plate to Planet: Impact of Food Choices on the Planet course
Emma Fogt, EdD, MBA< MS, RDN, LDN, FAND

I thoroughly enjoyed this self study course and required reading. It significantly expanded my knowledge of impacts on the global food system, how these factors including geopolitical history contribute to malnutrition at all parts of the spectrum and how our choices in food and nutrition lead to health both internally/biologically and the biodiversity in the environment.

Plate to Planet: Impact of Food Choices on the Planet course

This course provides the most current and pertinent information on the consumption of ultra-processed foods and cognitive health in aging individuals. I haven't seen much information on this subject matter and every RDN should add this to their education arsenal.

Ultra-Processed Food and Older Adult Cognitive Health Self-Study Course
Sue Linja, RDN, LD

This self study course and required reading benefit RDNs who educate both young and older adults and the consumption of processed foods and the potential effects on their cognition as they age. I have the opportunity to work with a wide age-range of clients. I often provide younger clients with this type of evidence-based information to promote better food choices to prevent or decrease chances of dementia. Over my years, clients get more motivated to make changes to their diet when they learn about this type of study. I love turning their motivation into habits that can last a long lifetime.

Ultra-Processed Food and Older Adult Cognitive Health Self-Study Course
Marnee Keeler, RDN, LD

As the population is aging, it is important to gain more insight on nutrition and cognitive decline. This course and required reading are timely and align with the Academy's vision with the Council of Future Practice.

Ultra-Processed Food and Older Adult Cognitive Health Self-Study Course
Emma Fogt, MBA, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, EdD

This Policy and Procedure Manual is the kitchen bible of manuals. It is the most thorough, practical and user friendly manual available on the market. The course emphasizes the practical application of material within the manual.

Policy & Procedure Manual: For Nutrition and Food Service in Healthcare Facilities, 2023
Katy Adams, MDA, RD, CSG, LD

I love this manual! It has everything you need to run a food service operation in any setting. I have referenced this many times for my work over the years!

Policy & Procedure Manual: For Nutrition and Food Service in Healthcare Facilities, 2023
Jamie Smith, MS, RD, CSG, LDN

This CPE program is a comprehensive review of areas of concern for those interested in the sports nutrition space. Nancy Clark brings the experience and excellence in a digestible, engaging course that can help nutrition professionals up their game in providing sound science, with practical recommendations and doable implementation.

Sports Nutrition for the Nutrition Professional Course
Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN, FAND

This course would make a great CPE program to dietitians who are new to the sports nutrition field.

Sports Nutrition for the Nutrition Professional Course
Kelly Pritchett, PhD, RDN, CSSD

The required reading and the self-study course provide one of the most comprehensive, up to date reviews of the gastrointestinal tracts and various facets of comprehensive medical care. As a dietitian and a nurse practitioner, I found this to be enlightening, concise yet evidence-based and I highly recommend it.

Gastrointestinal Nutrition: A Primer for Nutrition Professionals Self Study Course
Hannah Lowe, DNP, RDN, FNP-C, CDCES

This self-study course provides comprehensive and current information regarding gastrointestinal nutrition and it is an excellent resource for RDNs and NDTRs who are involved in this field.

Gastrointestinal Nutrition: A Primer for Nutrition Professionals Self Study Course
Lina Nahhas, MS, RD, LD

This course helps new and experienced nutrition practitioners (RDNs and NDTRs) understand the historical and current influences on the dietetic profession, including the significant events and perspectives that have influenced nutrition research and the implications of the results. It also sets the groundwork for RDNs and NDTRs to develop their careers to increase access to care for our patients and communities, while providing for rich and rewarding career experiences. Readers can broaden their perspectives for the opportunities that are available, and be empowered to create new pathways for success.

Perspectives on Future Opportunities in the Dietetics Profession Self Study Course
Wendy Phillips, MS, RD, LD, FAND, FASPEN

More than two decades ago, Ronni Chernoff, a former president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said "Dietitians have lost opportunities by not branching out." This CPE program provides the reader with some potentially new or expanded career opportunities. It also opens the thought process to consider new areas of graduate education to broaden the professional base of knowledge we bring to the table. Staying on the cutting edge is essential for dietiitans at all stages of their career.

Perspectives on Future Opportunities in the Dietetics Profession Self Study Course
Linda S. Mills, MBA, RDN, LDN, FADA

Not only is this timely and relevant to future practice, but it can be considered now in practice. The required reading is thorough, well referenced and well written and the study course and exam are easy to understand and reasonably structured.

Perspectives on Future Opportunities in the Dietetics Profession Self Study Course
B. Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN

This self-study course and required reading support the evidence of knowledge of the current USDA Food Code. The program provides a comprehensive review and understanding of applying the 2022 Food Code.

Food Code 2022 Course
Marcy Cook, RDN, LD

Science morphs over time, therefore, keeping up to date with the changes in the Food Code is vital for the food service professional.

Food Code 2022 Course
Linda Eck Mills, MBA, RDN, LDN, FADA

Dietitians can be crucial in helping to recommend and adjust diabetes medications for better glucose management. This self study course would help RDNs become more proficient in current medication options.

A Dietitian’s Guide to Medications for Patients with Diabetes 12th Edition Self-Study Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RDN, CDN, CDE

This self-study course provides a comprehensive review of the required reading while using engaging and relatable case studies to assess the learner's knowledge.

Nutrition Care for Patients with Kidney Disease
Nadia Marzella, MS, RDN, CSR, LD

This self-study course and the required reading provide thorough and up to date information regarding nutrition recommendations for kidney disease. The course is well-worded and relevant to the topic at hand requiring both recall of information as well as application of knowledge.

Nutrition Care for Patients with Kidney Disease
Tara Couturier, MA, RDN

This topic is fairly controversial and updates are needed for clinical competence and excellence. This self study course allows the RDN and the NDTR to delve into evidence-based recommendations to shape their practice.

Guidance for Evaluation and Management of GERD- Short Course
Hannah Lowe, DNP, FNP-C, RDN, CDCES

This course is a detailed CPE program for dietitians interested in updated information on the evaluation and management of GERD.

Guidance for Evaluation and Management of GERD- Short Course
Emma Fogt, MBA, MS, RDN, FAND

This course is an essential program for dietitians and nutrition professionals working with clients with GI disease, specifically GERD. The required reading is a highly detailed and comprehensive clinical guideline with useful recommendations to improve the well-being of clients.

Guidance for Evaluation and Management of GERD- Short Course
Aimee Shea, MPH, RDN, LD

It is important that dietitians are aware of the impact of physical activity on blood sugar management, so I feel this is an appropriate resource and self study course to be familiar with.

Planned Exercise, Physical Activity, and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDCES

This self-study course advances Type 2 diabetes management care by implementing exercise/activity goals based on current research along with healthy eating recommendations to improve blood glucose control and reduce complications.

Planned Exercise, Physical Activity, and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Course
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES

It is important (actually vital) for the RDN to understand where the research and science lands on the topic of nutrition and dementia. This self study course was a bit more complicated program than the norm since it was evaluating and understanding the research and gaps in the area of nutrition and prevention of dementia. I believe this will open the eyes of many dietitians out in practice, especially those promoting specific diets for the prevention of dementia.

Nutrition and Dementia Prevention: Limitations of Current Research
Sue Linja, RDN, LD

This continues to be a hot topic and yet is still unknown due to limitations listed in the required reading and self study course. This self study course is a good reminder of how research works, has limitations and what those limitations are.

Nutrition and Dementia Prevention: Limitations of Current Research
Jamie Smith, MS, RD, CSG, LDN

This is an excellent examination of the research on the role of nutrition in dementia prevention. I recently wrote a textbook chapter, requiring me to review the studies over the past 20 years, and agree with the conclusions of the working group who put forth this article. I think any nutrition professional could benefit from the required reading and the CPE program.

Nutrition and Dementia Prevention: Limitations of Current Research
Brenda Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND

Time-restricted eating and the variations of this eating pattern is a very timely topic and more research is being completed to see how this may influence chronic disease and weight loss. This course provides an evidence-based overview of the topic and then allows for a better understanding for the practitioner of how this can be applied with patient care.

Time-Restricted Eating, Energy Intake, and Dietary Quality Self-Study course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

I learned a lot about the benefits of time-restricted eating with this CPE program! Before taking this course, I mistakenly believed time-restricted eating was simply about calorie restriction. A better understanding of the research and the metabolic benefits of time-restricted eating will allow us to recommend and implement programs with our patients. It helps to know that adherence is better as this is a huge barrier to success with dietary interventions.

Time-Restricted Eating, Energy Intake, and Dietary Quality Self-Study course
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

This CPE program focuses on a topic that has been considered a bit more controversial. The nutrition professional would greatly benefit from understanding this form of eating behavior to build trust and better equip their patients or clients with practical information that they want to know more about.

Time-Restricted Eating, Energy Intake, and Dietary Quality Self-Study course
Amy Hess-Fischl, RDN, CDCES

The required reading and self study course are excellent resources for anyone working with pregnant people with diabetes. The course is a good assessment of one's knowledge of the information. Diabetes in pregnancy is complex, so keeping up to date with current nutrition therapy for these conditions is essential to support pregnant persons.

Diabetes and Pregnancy: A Nutrition Update
Casey Seiden, MS, RDN, CDCES

This self-study course helps the nutrition professional gain the knowledge needed to work with individuals with diabetes during pregnancy.

Diabetes and Pregnancy: A Nutrition Update
Amy Hess-Fischl, RDN, CDCES

The case studies are very reflective of actual day-to-day work in facilities. Coding Section K correctly requires thorough understanding of MDS-mandated interpretation of nutrition related events. This course provides opportunity for practice at the "nitty-gritty" level!

Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 RAI Manual v1.17 Course
Jane Bennett, MS, RDN, LD

This program provides a well-rounded educational experience to encourage and promote a comprehensive understanding with MDS, specifically with section K.

Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 RAI Manual v1.17 Course
Erin Allen, MS, RDN, LD

This is an excellent resource for dietitians in the continuum of care. The course came at a perfect time for me as I prepare to retake my CSG.

Nutrition for the Older Adult, 3rd Edition
Katy Adams, RD, MDA, CSG, LD

This is a wonderful and thorough review of nutrition for older adults. It encompasses common concerns and nutrition problems seen in the older adult population. The studies are well written and thought out!

Nutrition for the Older Adult, 3rd Edition
Jamie Smith, MS, RD, LSG, LDN

I just completed the Kind Dining course, and I thought it was wonderful! Before starting my internship at OHSU, I worked as a cook and server at a senior living facility. Working through the modules today highlighted some of our successes and areas of improvement. I wish my team and I had the opportunity to go through that training because it would have improved team unity and resident satisfaction.

Kind Dining: Bringing Warmth to the Table: A Training Series for Senior Living Communities
Kelsie Bryant, she/her, Dietetic Intern, Graduate Programs in Human Nutrition, Oregon Health and Science University

Kind Dining® training is essential for dietitians and is a lifeline to new and experienced supervisors to better navigate the complexities of their community dining services and community residents' expectations. Learn how to understand residents' needs and abilities, and better communicate to create appropriate relationships, how to problem-solve, how to demonstrate respect, kindness, attend to the needs of community residents and gain confidence in their skills and service to others.

Kind Dining: Bringing Warmth to the Table: A Training Series for Senior Living Communities
Terese Scollard, MBA, RDN, LD, FAND

This self-study course provides an overview of how to use the Code of Ethics along with several different areas where ethics could be in question along with solutions.

Ethics Isn’t Optional: Understanding and Applying the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Code of Ethics-2nd Edition
Lisa Dierks, MFCS, RDN

Ethics isn't Optional: Understanding and Apply the Academy Code of Ethics is a course that provides current practical situations that a practitioner may find themselves in. The recommendations in managing the situation according to the Academy Code of Ethics is invaluable and would benefit anyone that takes this course.

Ethics Isn’t Optional: Understanding and Applying the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Code of Ethics-2nd Edition
Brenda Richardson, MA, RDN, LD, FAND

As a long-time provider of nutrition services to long term care facilities, I see firsthand the implications of a good nutrition care plan. Facilities that prioritize nutrition and nutrition interventions decrease malnutrition, improve resident quality of life, and optimize reimbursement. In addition, CMS will not hesitate to penalize facilities where excessive weight loss, skin breakdown, and preventable hospital readmissions occur. This course provides a framework for creating an appropriate and effective nutrition focused QIP.

Justifying the Need for Quality Measures and Nutrition-Focused Quality Improvement Programs in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

This CPE course encourages RDNs and NDTRs to continue to demonstrate their value as a part of the interdisciplinary team and to assert themselves into becoming a leader within their facilities and workplaces.

Justifying the Need for Quality Measures and Nutrition-Focused Quality Improvement Programs in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Elizabeth Reynolds, RDN, LD

Cindy definitely brought warmth to the table with her "Kind Dining" training. Within days of the training, the employees had connected with Cindy's ideas, and these brought positive results not only for the residents but for the employees too.

Kind Dining: Bringing Warmth to the Table: A Training Series for Senior Living Communities
Shelley Carley, RD, Director of Food and Nutrition, New York Presbyterian Hospital

Since we implemented KInd Dining training, residents eat better, socialize more, and have family members come to eat with them. They are not just eating for nutrition, they are eating for quality of life. There are just so many aspects that have come together at once, you really need to see it to realize the depth and breadth of what is going on here- and we're doing all this on a nursing home budget!

Kind Dining: Bringing Warmth to the Table: A Training Series for Senior Living Communities
Kathy O’Hara, RD, Villa Crest Nursing Retirement Center

Pressure injuries can be improved and prevented by appropriate and timely dietary interventions. This improves patient overall well-being and decreases length of stay. Too many facilities, especially those who are short staffed, are lacking pressure injury prevention knowledge. This course provides the RDN or NDTR with tools to create standards of care and protocols to address pressure injuries.

The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Pressure Injury in Vulnerable Populations Short Course
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

This CPE course is essential for all levels of practitioner in ensuring they are providing the most up-to-date, quality care for at-risk residents with pressure injuries. Additionally, this program will assist practitioners in implementing up-to-date, evidence-based practices into their facilities.

The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Pressure Injury in Vulnerable Populations Short Course
Elizabeth Reynolds, RDN, LD

It is important for clinicians to be able to identify residents who are malnourished or at risk for malnutrition as it relates to wound care. It is also important to note and understand that residents who are malnourished or at risk for malnutrition will be at risk for longer hospital stays as well as being at risk for other comorbid conditions. Early intervention to address and treat nutrition concerns is key as it relates to vulnerable populations as discussed in this self study course.

The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Pressure Injury in Vulnerable Populations Short Course
Cindy Frey, RDN, CSG

Dietary recommendations have continued to evolve over the last several decades based on research and the impact on cardiovascular health. This short course provides an excellent overview for the RDN, NDTR or CDCES of recent changes regarding dietary cholesterol and uses a case based study approach for a better understanding of how to implement these changes into practice.

Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Dietary Cholesterol Intake Short Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This would make a good CPE program because there is still confusion and misinformation regarding diet, dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular risks. This course provides a comprehensive update.

Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Dietary Cholesterol Intake Short Course
Janice Baker, RDN, CDCES, CNSC, BC-ADM

This self study course makes a great CPE program, because until this course was available, current information on this topic of medical marijuana and cannabis use has been difficult to find and consolidate into usable and practical information for RDNs and NDTRs.

Cardiovascular Health: Medical Marijuana & Recreational Cannabis Use
Janice Baker, RDN, CDCES, CNSC, BC-ADM

This is a timely course because due to expanded legalization of cannabis, all clinicians including registered dietitians will likely encounter clients who use cannabis and they need to be aware of its safety, efficacy and health implications. The course reviews potential therapeutic and medicinal properties of cannabis as well as its concerning health implications for those with cardiovascular disease. It provides safety considerations and advisement for special populations.

Cardiovascular Health: Medical Marijuana & Recreational Cannabis Use
Mary P. Osak, RD, CSG

Use of cannabis, medically and for recreational use, continues to be a thriving industry. This course presents the topic from the perspective of a dietitian looking to learn more about this substance and health implications with cannabis use. The case study provides a good CPE program for the provider to better understand how this practice might influence their own patient population, particularly with cardiovascular disease, to provide better patient care.

Cardiovascular Health: Medical Marijuana & Recreational Cannabis Use
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This course will help reinforce the need for DSME and educate the dietitian/diabetes educator on critical factors to consider for implementing such programs. I think it's an essential piece of reading and would make an excellent CPE program.

The Importance of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Casey Seiden, MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES

I think this would make a great CPE program. Probiotics are a hot topic, and patients are always asking questions on usage, specific strains, etc. As a GI dietitian, I am often overwhelmed with all of the literature available relating to probiotics. This article in addition to the CPE program is a quick and efficient way to review the latest research, and disseminate key findings into a simple message for patients.

Using Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Short Course
Stephanie Send, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC

The probiotics and prebiotics world can be incredibly overwhelming for dietitians and clinicians. This resource and course are helpful at delving into the evidence to present a thorough review of current research.

Using Probiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Short Course
Hannah Lowe, DNP, FNP-C, RDN, CDCES

As the burden of obesity increases, this CPE program allows dietitians the opportunity to understand and support the continued research for evidence based information to individualize plans to successfully treat obesity.

Carbohydrate-Insulin Model: One Perspective on the Obesity Epidemic
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES

I appreciated that a current perspective was being shared and that this piece challenged a very outdated, simplistic model of thinking. This course will help to broaden practitioners' physiological understanding of weight and the interplay with hormones, and hopefully push them to guide patients and clients through a more nuanced approach to weight maintenance, glucose control and overall health.

Carbohydrate-Insulin Model: One Perspective on the Obesity Epidemic
Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDCES

This CPE program expands the knowledge base of RDNs to acknowledge that weight loss is far more complex than what we tend to recommend.

Carbohydrate-Insulin Model: One Perspective on the Obesity Epidemic
Amy Hess-Fischl, MS, RDN, LDN, BC-ADM, CDE

This self study course is well done as it requires a full and thorough reading of the Appendix PP, which gives detailed guidance for surveyors in just about every situation that may arise in a facility. RDNs would benefit from this course because an adequate review of the appendix would enable the RDN to properly handle situations, provide quality care to residents and face each survey with confidence instead of dread.

State Operations Manual Appendix PP- Guidance to Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilities Course
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

This self-study course provides essential information for RDNs that want to be survey confident.

State Operations Manual Appendix PP- Guidance to Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilities Course
Katy Adams, RD, MDA, CSG, LD

The Long Term Care State Operations Manual is an invaluable resource that aides health care professionals navigate rules and regulations for providing person centered care in LTC. I highly recommend this course because it is excellent for the nutrition professional as it reviews key information vital for this practice area.

State Operations Manual Appendix PP- Guidance to Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilities Course
Jonathan Gonzalez, MS, RD, CSG, LD

This course offers a review of research and knowledge to help educators and people living with diabetes understand the value of lifestyle changes to prevent the diagnosis of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Understanding Prediabetes Course
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES

The Understanding Prediabetes self-study course makes a good CPE program because it covers the basics of prediabetes assessment and prevention of progression to type 2 diabetes. Various factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, diet, and medications are explored, which should be considered with this complex condition and dietitians should be equipped to discuss these factors.

Understanding Prediabetes Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDCES

I am thankful that this program will be available to practitioners to provide accurate, current and evidence based information on gluten related disorders.

Gluten Free Living: A Comprehensive Guide
Pamela Cureton, RDN, LDN

This course and required reading is a valuable evidence-based resource utilizing the latest advances in diabetes care supporting using a team approach to support people with diabetes to achieve near normal glycemic control.

Making Sense of Intensive Diabetes Management Course
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES

I recommend this course and required reading because it makes a good CPE program for dietitians wanting to be more informed about the various aspects of intensive diabetes management. It focuses not only on nutrition therapy for diabetes, but also the larger aspects of successful self-management dealing with monitoring, therapies, and continuous care.

Making Sense of Intensive Diabetes Management Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDCES

This self-study course provides a new and evidence-based perspective for the RDN or CDCES on the topic of weight loss and metabolism. Through a series of case study questions, course participants can take the information learned from the required reading and better understand how this can be applied and incorporated in their own practice to improve patient care.

Diet, Exercise, and Energy Metabolism Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

As RDNs and clinicians, we are subject to our own biases and understanding of how things "work" and like others, we are susceptible to fads, falsehoods and misinformation. The required reading and self study course is a powerful tool against misinformation as it takes a scientific and anthropological look at nutrition, exercise and metabolism. This helps dispel myths about diet and exercise that we encounter every single day. As clinicians, we pride ourselves on being the experts, and this self study course and publication will help us live up to that label!

Diet, Exercise, and Energy Metabolism Course
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

Registered dietitian nutritionists will find this course invaluable in helping their patients make well informed decisions in today's movement toward using complementary medicine. A timely topic that includes a well-organized resource of evidence based-information on supplement use, mechanism of action, adverse effects, drug interactions and clinical studies.

Complementary Health Approaches and Diabetes Treatment Self-Study Course
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES

What a fantastic resource! Complementary health is growing in popularity in the diabetes space and so up-to-date education and research on this topic is essential for dietitians and diabetes educators. I would highly recommend this as a worthwhile CPE program.

Complementary Health Approaches and Diabetes Treatment Self-Study Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDCES

The self study course and required reading are an excellent publication that include thought-provoking case studies to be applied to the nutrition continuum.

A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Nutrition Care – 20 CPE Self-Study Course
Katy Adams, RD, MDA, CSG, LD

This course is an excellent source to help nutrition professionals refresh information they had previously learned, information that has since been updated, or learning for the first time.

A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Nutrition Care – 20 CPE Self-Study Course
Erin Allen, MS, RDN, LD

The CPE course is excellent with practical, thought-provoking case studies to be applied to the nutrition continuum.

A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Nutrition Care – 35 CPE Self-Study Course
Katy Adams, RD, MDA, CSG, LD

This CPE course is an excellent source to help nutrition professionals refresh information they had previously learned, information that has been since updated, or learning for the first time.

A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Nutrition Care – 35 CPE Self-Study Course
Erin Allen, MS, RDN, LD

This course allows for the RDN to better understand the most recent American Heart Association 2021 Dietary Guidance. Cardiovascular risk and disease continues to grow and optimal care of these patients requires an in-depth knowledge of the recommendations and being able to provide advice for incorporating them into a healthy lifestyle.

Dietary Approaches for Optimizing Cardiovascular Health
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This CPE self-study course is helpful and provides a comprehensive update to nutrition guidelines for cardiovascular health.

Dietary Approaches for Optimizing Cardiovascular Health
Janice Baker, RDN, CDCES, CNSC, BC-ADM

This innovative course takes a look at recent research and how certain behaviors impact the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This resource makes an excellent CPE program for the new or seasoned dietitian wanting to stay up-to-date on the impact of diet and lifestyle choices and how these recommendations can be applied within your own care of this patient population.

Role of Diet and Lifestyle in the Development of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This required reading and self study course is well rounded and focuses on lifestyle behaviors versus just diet. Diet is an important component for mental health, yes, but lifestyle as a whole must be considered and improved upon for optimal mental health. I definitely recommend!

Stronger Mental Health through Diet and Lifestyle Course
Jonathan Gonzalez, MS, RDN, LD

This is a much needed focus area for clinicians.  I work in behavioral health and so many people, RDs included, completely neglect healthy eating basics as part of their interaction with patients. My patients often have extremely unhealthy, erratic eating habits. Many skip meals, only to binge days later, or eat nothing but processed junk food. Many do not realize that they can help themselves feel better and enhance the effectiveness of their treatment with the simplest dietary changes. This course will give clinicians the tools they need to help patients experiencing mental illness.

Stronger Mental Health through Diet and Lifestyle Course
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

This self study course makes a great CPE program because it emphasizes an area of nutrition that is very important, but not usually part of the basic education for dietitians.

Stronger Mental Health through Diet and Lifestyle Course
Theresa Stahl, RDN, LDN, FAND

This required reading and self study course provides excellent information, varied topics, applicable to multiple healthcare venues and level of practitioners. It includes wonderful case studies as an excellent means to apply the information.

The Dietitian’s Guide to Nutrition Assessment Course
Katy Adams, MDA, RD, CSG, LD

This course and required reading is a wonderful review for new or returning clinical dietitians. A great everyday reference manual in a clinical setting!

The Dietitian’s Guide to Nutrition Assessment Course
Jamie Smith, MS, RD, CSG, LDN

The self study course and required reading are clear, concise and easy to read. The study questions are easily deciphered and applicable to clinical situations making this a valuable course for a practicing RDN.

The Dietitian’s Guide to Nutrition Assessment Course
Erin Allen, MS, RDN, LD

This self study course provides a comprehensive overview of the nutrition and environmental benefits of plant-based eating. It nudges readers toward eating more plants, even if not exclusively vegetarian or vegan. I highly recommend the required reading and the course. The course pulls out important topics and highlights them to help the reader/student gain a broad-based knowledge of issues facing families seeking to nourish their families with plant-based meals and snacks.

Plant Based Eating Course
Theresa Stahl, RDN, LDN, FAND

Who can debate that plant-based eating isn't the most healthful way to reduce the risk of chronic disease? As a nutrition professional, it is imperative that the RDN understands the science behind this eating style and can succintly teach families how to transition to vegan, vegetarian and other plant-based eating plans.  The required reading and the self study course encompass all of this information.

Plant Based Eating Course
Sue Linja, RDN, LD

This book and self study course is a complete introduction guide, start-to-finish, on feeding individuals and families a healthier diet that simply includes more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and other plants. It is well researched and presented tactfully. Guides are provided that will allow anyone to review guidelines and make appropriate recommendation to their patients or for families to make better choices for themselves.

Plant Based Eating Course
Julie Wallace, RDN, LD, CPT

It has been a longstanding recommendation to lose weight to help lower blood pressure. The required reading and the CPE course provide good evidence-based information to back our recommendations. The course will help professionals discuss different approaches for weight loss for all our variety of clients/patients and provide them with solid studies that have been done. This also assists patient education professionals to better explain the long-term effects on their body/organs and help them prevent further organ damage.

Obesity Hypertension: Prevention and Intervention Approaches Short Course
Mary (Marne) Keeler, RDN, LD

Obesity and hypertension are growing issues and the information in this CPE program is clear, concise, and relevant to the dietetics profession.

Obesity Hypertension: Prevention and Intervention Approaches Short Course
Jonathan Gonzalez, MS, RD, LD

The information provided in this course reinforces physical activity as a tried-and-true lifestyle factor that dietetics professionals should be encouraging to patients as means to prevent and manage chronic illness like hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

Using Physical Activity as a First Step to Treat Elevated Blood Pressure or Cholesterol Short Course
Jonathan Gonzalez, MS, RD, LD

The self study course provides a detailed overview of the NFPE for a new or seasoned RDN. Specific updates on the NFPE are outlined within the course material and a series of challenging case studies are utilized to assist the participant in applying the information learned.

Nutrition Focused Physical Exam Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This is a great CPE program with realistic and appropriate case studies! A practitioner using this course will gain a much better understanding of putting the pieces together and accurately diagnosing malnutrition status.

Nutrition Focused Physical Exam Course
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN

This self study course takes a close look at the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and current nutrition recommendations. It makes an excellent CPE program for the healthcare professional wanting to learn more and stay up to date on recommended nutrition interventions to optimize care of the patient with COVID-19.

The Importance of Nutrition in COVID-19 Recovery
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This is an extremely timely topic and the required reading and self-study course provide an excellent, evidence-based and practical roadmap and suggestions for prevention and treatment of malnutrition in patients with COVID-19.

The Importance of Nutrition in COVID-19 Recovery
Mary Osak, RD, CSG

This self-study course and required reading is very important for dietitians as there are not many guidebooks for dietitians that are as specific with this amount of valuable information.

A Dietitian’s Guide to Nutrition Care for Bariatric Surgery Self-Study Course
Leigh Tracy, RD, LDN, CDCES

RDNs and other healthcare professionals will have patients who are either contemplating or have undergone metabolic and bariatric surgery and there are nuances to their care, and this self-study course in combination with the required reading enable the practitioner to consider application and have the most agreed upon evidence-based information vs. surgeon specific guidance.

A Dietitian’s Guide to Nutrition Care for Bariatric Surgery Self-Study Course
Julie Schwartz, MS, RDN, CSOWM, LD, ACSM-EP, NBC-HWC

This self-study course and required reading is a very thorough and useful resource for those working with bariatric patients pre/post op as well as those in related fields since this surgery is becoming more common and accessible; also many patients dealing with long term complications/issues related to bariatric surgery.

A Dietitian’s Guide to Nutrition Care for Bariatric Surgery Self-Study Course

This CPE program provides an excellent overview of the Pesco-Mediterranean diet. After completion of the course, the reader will have a better understanding of the foods encouraged, the pattern and timing recommended for meals and also the numerous cardiovascular benefits associated with this type of diet.

The Pesco-Mediterranean Dietary Pattern Combined with Intermittent Fasting for Optimizing Cardiovascular Health Short Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This self study course and required reading gives a perspective on the benefits of this dietary pattern to reduce health risks and encourage people to choose more plant-based foods and fish whenever able.

The Pesco-Mediterranean Dietary Pattern Combined with Intermittent Fasting for Optimizing Cardiovascular Health Short Course

The required reading and the self-study course contain a wealth of knowledge for all oncology RDNs. I learned things that I didn't know, even after 17 years. I think it's a great test of one's knowledge, especially as a pre-test to the CSO exam. The test taker will be very informed and a more knowledgeable practitioner after passing the exam. It covers all area from screening to palliation.

Nutrition Therapy for Cancer Treatment Self-Study Course
Keri Ryniak, RD, CSO, CNSC

This course and required reading reviews many controversial topics that we as RDNs need to know about. It covers a majority of topics that are beneficial to RDNs who either have recently started working in oncology or who have been in the oncology field for awhile, but need to refresh their knowledge and stay up-to-date.

Nutrition Therapy for Cancer Treatment Self-Study course
Leigh Tracy, RD, LDN, CDCES

This self-study course reviews many controversial topics that we as RDNs need to know about. It covers a majority of topics that are beneficial to RDNs who either have recently started working in oncology or who have been in the oncology field for a while, but need to refresh their knowledge and stay up-to-date.

MNT For Cancer Prevention and Treatment Self-Study course
Leigh Tracy, RD, LDN, CDCES

The required reading and the self-study course contain a wealth of knowledge for all oncology RDNs. I learned things that I didn't know, even after 17 years. I think it's a great test of one's knowledge, especially as a pre-test to the CSO exam. The test taker will be very informed and a more knowledgeable practitioner after passing the exam. It covers all area from screening to palliation.

MNT For Cancer Prevention and Treatment Self-Study Course
Keri Ryniak, RD, CSO, CNSC

This CPE program is a remarkably comprehensive and great resource for clinicians regarding standard and alternative therapies in oncologic treatment.

MNT For Cancer Prevention and Treatment Self-Study course
Hannah Lowe, DNP, FNP-C, RDN, CDCES

This self-study course and required reading provides an alternative diabetes management approach used in the United Kingdom for those wanting to understand how other countries are addressing the problem of diabetes.

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed Self-Study course
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES

This course is very detailed and comprehensive in an area that is often understaffed and in need of this specific skill set for RDNs and NDTRs.

Minimum Data Set 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument Manual v1.17 (Rev. 10-1-19) Self-Study Short Course

This self study course provides pertinent training on how to complete section K appropriately which is required in the long term care setting.

Minimum Data Set 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument Manual v1.17 (Rev. 10-1-19) Self-Study Short Course
Erin Allen MS, RDN, LD

This self study course provides a primary example of the importance of nutrition in today's climate, especially with growing concerns for the environment. This course really simplifies how as nutrition professionals we can make a case for the impact and necessity of adopting a more plant-based diet with our patients and how these changes now can make a significant difference in the future.

Creating Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems for the Future CPE Self-Study Short-Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

This CPE program provides a primary example of the importance of nutrition in today's climate, especially with growing concerns for the environment. This course simplifies how as nutrition professionals, we can make a case for the impact and necessity of adopting a more plant-based diet with our patients and how these changes now can make a significant difference in the future.

Creating Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems for the Future CPE Self-Study Short-Course
Stacey Phillips, MS, RD

The Key Indicators of Well-Being for the Aging Population self-study course provides a good overview of factors to consider in planning programs for the aging population with useful tables, charts, citations and references.

Key Indicators of Well-Being for the Aging Population Self-Study CPE Course

This self study course encourages RDNs and NDTRs to look at and familiarize themselves with current data. This will help practitioners to make informed decisions in their current practice and to provide the most effective assistance when aiding clients/patients with a multifaceted approach.

Key Indicators of Well-Being for the Aging Population Self-Study CPE Course
Erin Allen, MS, RDN, LD

This is an excellent document and self-study course!  Due to the US population aging, RDNs are working in greater numbers within long term care settings, including CCRCs and nursing homes. Anyone working in this population could benefit from taking this course, which is easy to read and navigate.

Key Indicators of Well-Being for the Aging Population Self-Study CPE Course
Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND

This is a great review of current guidelines and a helpful resource for practitioners who need to be current on medications and treatment algorithms.

A Dietitian’s Guide to Medications for Patients with Diabetes Self-Study CPE Course
Casey Seiden, MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES

This required reading and self-study course provides an up-to-date information on diabetes medication for healthcare professionals to advance and improve care for people with diabetes using evidence-based guidelines.

A Dietitian’s Guide to Medications for Patients with Diabetes Self-Study CPE Course
Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES

The Diet and Nutrition Care Manual and Course is a must have for any RDN working in any setting- it's all you need!

Diet and Nutrition Care Manual: A Comprehensive Nutrition Care Guide, 2021 Edition Self-Study CPE Course
Jamie Smith, MS, RD, CSG, LDN

This course is very informative, up to date with comprehensive information.  It is an excellent resource for those starting out in their profession and a good refresher for those experience in the field.

Diet and Nutrition Care Manual: A Comprehensive Nutrition Care Guide, 2021 Edition Self-Study CPE Course
Katy Adams, MDA, RD, CSG, LD

This required reading and subsequent self-study course are essentially a one-stop shop for everything a clinician needs to know when working with children with special healthcare needs. I remember wishing I had a resource like this as a young RDN on pediatric floors. Learning the principles outlines in this handbook and having it nearby as a resource will improve the practice of RDNs and enable them to deliver the highest quality care to their patients.

Lori A. Stevens, RD, LDN
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Children with Special Health Care Needs Self-Study Course

Building a Healthier, More Resilient Brain self-study course is an excellent CPE program.  It reminds us of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition across the lifespan. This course provides insight into overall brain health and decline and provides the RDN with specific tools and lifestyle modifications at any age to help navigate this area of health.

Stacey Phillips, MS, RD
Building a Healthier, More Resilient Brain Self-Study Course

This self-study course and required reading are a timely, relevant program that could easily be recommended to professionals and non-professionals alike.

B. Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN
Building a Healthier, More Resilient Brain Self-Study Course

This is a great CPE program, specifically for registered dietitians looking to gain a general understanding of the latest Dietary Guidelines and what has changed within the last few years.

Stephanie Send, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC
A Review of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 Self Study Course

The required reading and the self-study course look at the nutrition recommendations across the lifespan and it was great to see such detail and emphasis on infants, toddlers, adolescents and older adults! This course is a wonderful way to have dietitians and nutrition professionals get updated on a very useful and comprehensive resource for a framework for healthy eating.

Emma Fogt, MBA, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND
A Review of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 Self Study Course

This self-study course is an appropriate CPE program as it keeps dietitians and diabetes educators up to date on the most current evidence and practice in our field. Taking the time to read through and understand the required reading, ADA Standards of Care is essential to clinically understanding diabetes care, as well as implementing strategies with patients.

Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes: Best Practices 2021 and Beyond Self Study Course

This CPE course is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals to advance and improve care for people with diabetes using evidence-based guidelines. The course and the required reading provide up to date diabetes standards of care.

Lisa Brown, RDN, LD, CDCES
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes: Best Practices 2021 and Beyond Self Study Course

This makes a great CPE program with the use of the case study model.  It helps practitioners to think through real-life scenarios and put current evidence-based guidelines into practice.

Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES
Helping Clients Prevent or Delay Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Change Self Study Course

The Policy & Procedure manual is packed with valuable information the dietetic professional will use everyday.

Policy & Procedure Manual: For Nutrition and Food Service in Healthcare Facilities, 2021 Edition Self-Study Course
Pam Brummit, MA, RD, LD

The Policy & Procedure Manual is a great resource in ALL aspects of food service and clinical nutrition in ALL healthcare settings.

Policy & Procedure Manual: For Nutrition and Food Service in Healthcare Facilities, 2021 Edition Self-Study Course
Jamie Smith, MS, RD, CSG, LDN

This is an excellent continuing education program!  I have used this in the past and love that it is 25 CPEs!

Policy & Procedure Manual: For Nutrition and Food Service in Healthcare Facilities, 2021 Edition Self-Study Course
Anna de Jesus, MBA, RDN

This course and required reading provide the most up to date evidence-based nutrition recommendations for treating patients with or at risk for pressure injuries.  This is a major concern in long term care.

Joanne Genest, RDN, CSG
Nutrition Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Short Course

This course is an excellent review of nutrition's role and the International Clinical Practice Guidelines for pressure injuries. The case studies allowed for solid use of the information provided in the guidelines.

Elaine Farley-Zoucha, RDN, LMNT
Nutrition Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Short Course

I found this course to be concise, evidence-based and beneficial to my knowledge as an RDN! I will definitely be referencing back to this information when completing assessments and implementing interventions for those at risk for, or who have pressure injuries.

Courtney Riffe, RDN, CD, CSG
Nutrition Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Short Course

This detailed course provides clinicians with an excellent overview of the tools needed to address the concern of malnutrition care for older adults and implement changes in their own practice with an aging population.

Stacey Phillips, MS, RDN
Quality Malnutrition Care for Older Adults- Short Course

Defeating malnutrition is an uphill climb; this course provides "directional handholds" to help us along the path forward.

Jane Bennett, MS, RDN, LD
Quality Malnutrition Care for Older Adults- Short Course

The material provided in this continuing education course not only gives a clear framework to evaluating and treating malnutrition on a multidisciplinary level, but also empowers the nutritional professional to be actively engaged in the process.

Angela Sims, MPH, RD, LDN
Quality Malnutrition Care for Older Adults- Short Course

For clinicians working with the older adult popuation, sarcopenia is an ongoing issue that needs to be considered and addressed. This self study course provides a good overview of recent literature findings with this patient population regarding exercise and dietary supplementation recommendations.

Stacey Phillips, MS, RDN
Prevention and Treatment of Sarcopenia: A Systemic Review of Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions – Short Course

This course is an excellent review of current evidence based research options for the treatment of sarcopenia in older adults.

Angela Sims, MPH, RD, LDN
Prevention and Treatment of Sarcopenia: A Systemic Review of Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions – Short Course

This course provides an excellent review of menopause, age and nutrition related changes in women's health and associated chronic disease risk factors specific to this time of life.

Healthy Diet for Menopause Self Study Course

For clinicians working with the older adult population, sarcopenia is an ongoing issue that needs to be considered and addressed. The article and short course provide a good overview of recent literature findings with this patient population in regard to exercise and dietary supplementation recommendations. - Stacey Phillips, MS, RDN

Prevention and Treatment of Sarcopenia: A Systemic Review of Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions Course

This self-study course is a comprehensive overview that combines both the conventional and integrative approaches of MNT for thyroid patients that is well researched and supported by evidence.

Dana Elia, DCN, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Thyroid Disease Self-Study Course

This is an excellent CPE program! It is beneficial for entry level and experienced dietitians looking to broaden practice. The required reading is accurate and up to date. The case studies that are used are thought provoking and reinforce clinical application.

Katy Adams, MDA, RD, CSG, LD
Guidelines for Clinical Nutrition Care: Essential Information for Nutrition Professionals Self-Study Course

This course is a very detailed, comprehensive review of key components of clinical nutrition. I think it can serve as a great refresher for the seasoned practitioner, while also presenting a wide variety of topics for the newly registered dietitian. I liked the case study approach and how it included questions from all sections of the required textbook, really ensuring that participants will carefully study the entire resource.

Aimee Shea, MPH, RD, LD
Guidelines for Clinical Nutrition Care: Essential Information for Nutrition Professionals Self-Study Course

I know I can trust Becky Dorner & Associates to produce quality webinars and self study materials. I have never been disappointed in anything I have purchased. - Elizabeth Gilbreth, MS, RD, CDM, Opengate, Inc.

Trust in Becky Dorner & Associates

This course takes a case study-based approach into better understanding the updated KDOQI clinical practice guidelines for nutrition in CKD. Patient application allows for the practitioner to more thoroughly dig into the guidelines and then determine the best nutrition plan depending on the patient's stage of CKD. If the length of the guidelines is overwhelming, participants will enjoy this CPE program as it takes a complex subject and breaks it down into manageable nutrition goals that can be implemented with patient care.

Stacey Phillips, MS, RD
Nutrition Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Self-Study Course

The Nutrition Management of Chronic Kidney Disease CPE course provides knowledge that can easily be translated into clinical practice for both seasoned renal RDNs as well as RDNs working with an occasional patient with CKD in a clinical/outpatient setting.

Nadia Marzella, MS, RDN, CSR, LD
Nutrition Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Self-Study Course

Intuitive Eating is something many clinicians are interested in bringing into their practice and this CPE program allows clinicians to gain a fundamental understanding of how to begin counseling clients who are interested in intuitive eating.  This course is a wonderful place to get familiar with the principles and concepts of intuitive eating.

Lucia Harmeling, MS, RD
Helping Your Clients Become Intuitive Eaters Self-Study Course

This self-study course would be beneficial for anyone that works with someone that has an eating disorder or disordered eating because it is essential that the clinician discuss intuitive eating.

Lori Kupferman, MS, LDN, RD, CEDRD, CPT
Helping Your Clients Become Intuitive Eaters Self-Study Course

The topic of this self-study course is very timely and often controversial. As registered dietitian nutritionists, we need to be equipped with evidence-based thorough knowledge regarding such broad yet vital topics as in Nutrition and Physical Activity for Prevention of Cancer.

Hannah Lowe
Nutrition and Physical Activity for Prevention of Cancer Self-Study Course

This course is a useful and practical program for all nutrition practitioners. The required reading provides a thorough overview of current cancer prevention guidelines, and the CPE Self-Assessment test highlights key points from the required reading thereby improving students' overall understanding and ability to incorporate its content into nutrition counseling. It serves as a helpful course for both nutrition professionals working in oncology and for nutrition professionals who are not oncology specialists, as cancer prevention is applicable to all patients.

Aimee Shea, MPH, RD, LD
Nutrition and Physical Activity for Prevention of Cancer Self-Study Course

The Nutrition and Physical Activity for Prevention of Cancer self-study course is an excellent program because it is evidence-based with a comprehensive list of objectives that will help familiarize the participant with recent recommendations and research about cancer.  It will also help prepare the participants to effectively provide oncology nutrition counseling to patients.

Amy Bragagnini, MS, RD, CSO
Nutrition and Physical Activity for Prevention of Cancer Self-Study Course

Knowledgeable pediatric nutrition practitioners are essential to public health but unfortunately, little time is spent on pediatric nutrition in most dietetics education. The Pediatric Nutrition Assessment Self-Study course helps fill the gap and educate RDNs who wish to expand their knowledge and provide quality care to the pediatric population.

Diana Rice, RD, LD, CLEC
Pediatric Nutrition Assessment Self-Study Course

The self-study course, Pediatric Nutrition Assessment is great for anyone looking to increase their comfort level in pediatric assessment and interventions.  It provides great background information as well as detailed guidance.

Courtney Bliss, MS, RDN, CNSC
Pediatric Nutrition Assessment Self-Study Course

This self study course and book was an interesting read, thought provoking, and science based with a unique point of view.

Katy Adams, MDA, RD, CSG, LD
Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To Self-Study Course

This self-study course takes an interesting look at emerging research in the genetic understanding of aging and the factors that can positively influence optimal aging.

Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN, Nutrition Professor Emerita
Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To Self-Study Course

This course certainly has enough nutrition related material to make this appropriate for nutrition professionals.  However, it went beyond nutrition, covering technology, presented ethical questions and thought provoking ideas that are interdisciplinary.

Brenda Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND
Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To Self-Study Course

This self-study course covers a topic that many RDNs don't know much about. The book takes a good look at the research used and what we need to be aware of in regards to the data and who is sponsoring the study. I gained a better understanding of food companies, the difference in marketing versus a healthy product. Now I have more knowledge I can share with my patients.

Stacey Phillips, MS, RD
Unsavory Truth Self-Study Course

Registered dietitians are regarded as the experts in nutrition by virtue of our education, training, successful completion of the Commission of Dietetic Registration national examination, extensive clinical experience and maintenance of continuing education requirements. Who is better qualified to examine and interpret the ever-evolving field of nutrition research and communicate it accurately to the public? The Unsavory Truth book and self-study course equips us to do just that!

Mary Osak, RD
Unsavory Truth Self-Study Course

This self-study course provides insight to potential bias in nutrition research as well as how to navigate your way to finding the most accurate research supported information available. This can help practitioners ensure that they provide the most factual recommendations/guidance in the nutrition industry.

Erin Allen, MS, RDN, LD
Unsavory Truth Self-Study Course

This self-study course includes excellent information on varied topics that are applicable to multiple venues and level of practitioners.

Katy Adams, MDA, RD, CSG, LD
Providing Food and Nutrition Services During a Pandemic: A Primer for Professionals Course

This self-study course is an excellent compilation of information from renowned experts in the field.  The course pulls all the current resources together including evidence-based practices and guidance from key regulatory agencies.

Kathy Weigand, RDN, CSG, LDN
Providing Food and Nutrition Services During a Pandemic: A Primer for Professionals Course

This course provides evidence-based recommendations and good practice standards.  It helped me understand the thought process, challenges, and wound care terminology of the wound care nurse/specialist. and I now have a better appreciation of that clinical role/ position.

Joanne Genest, RD, CSG
Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Self Study Course

This course has great up to date information on the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and provides RDNs with the tools needed to thoroughly understand the gamut of Pressure Injuries/Ulcers whether new to the field or a seasoned RDN. I highly recommend this course.

Anna de Jesus, MBA, RDN
Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Self Study Course

This course teaches the fundamentals of sports nutrition. I believe that all RDNs would benefit from having this information, especially those involved in outpatient counseling. Personal trainers, the retailer at the nutrition store, magazine articles and the internet are rife with misinformation and we need to be the example of sound, evidence-based nutrition advice.

Lori Stevens RDN, LDN, CNSC
Plant-Based Sports Nutrition: Expert Strategies for Training, Recovery, and Performance Self-Study Course

Plant-based diets are trending among athletes, but it is not just what is taken off the plate, but what is the replacement. This course does an excellent job of educating practitioners to better guide their clients on a plant-based fueling plan that provides variety and adequacy and addresses potential areas of concern for health and/or performance.

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Plant-Based Sports Nutrition Expert Fueling Strategies for Training, Recovery and Performance Self-Study Course

This CPE program will make an excellent self study course for practitioners looking for more information on nutrition and integrative medicine. Most of the concepts taught in this course are not taught in the traditional healthcare curriculum.

Cristen Lindsay, RD, CNSC
Nutrition and Integrative Medicine Self Study Course

This is an excellent CPE program!  So many people are interested in Genomics and how nutrition plays a role in our gene expression. Nutritional choices can help prevent chronic disease, meaning aging healthfully truly starts in the kitchen. This course has so much useful information.

Cristen Lindsay, RD, CNSC
The Genomic Kitchen Self Study Course

Nancy presents the information in a factual, fun, informative way and is the consummate educator. Those who take this course will finish with much more knowledge in the field of sports nutrition that will help them apply the science of fueling to the plate.  

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 6th Edition Course

Nancy puts the “nutrition” into “sports” in an evidence based, informative and practical easy to read way. For the RDN looking to broaden knowledge and skill sets, this course delivers in the application of science to the field to the plate.

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 6th Edition Course

A great learning tool for the RDN wanting to learn about sports nutrition. Nancy Clark’s guidebook provides evidence based, no fuss sports nutrition information. It's great to have a CPE program that goes along with her book!

Kelly Pritchett, PhD, RD, CSSD
Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 6th Edition Course

This course teaches the fundamentals of sports nutrition.I believe that all RDs would benefit from having this information, especially those involved in outpatient counseling. Personal trainers, nutrition store retailers, magazine articles and the internet are rife with misinformation and we need to be the example of sound, evidence-based nutrition advice.

Lori Stevens, RD, LDN, CNSC
Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 6th Edition Course

This is a good self-study course as it examines diabetes from origins to management throughout the life cycle and through different treatment modalities. Dietitians and Certified Diabetes Educators need to have a thorough understanding of all of these areas, and I feel this course provides a high level view of the pathophysiology and nutrition, as well as specific and current studies and research that can help inform practice. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to gain a deep, scientific understanding of diabetes and evidence on the many treatment options, especially highlighting nutritional prevention and management.

Casey Seiden, MS, RDN, CDN, CDE
Nutrition and Diabetes Pathophysiology and Management, 2nd Edition Course

For so many nutrition professionals, there is the fear of, or avoidance of both salt and fat. And yet, our clients want food that is satisfying. This CPE course gives solid science as to what each of the 4 elements of good cooking do in a manner that most people should be receptive to.

B. Burgin Ross, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND
Salt Fat Acid Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking Self-Study Course

This CPE program advances the RDN’s diabetes knowledge to improve care for people with diabetes.

Lisa Brown RD, LD, CDE
American Association of Diabetes Educators Quick Guide to Medications, 9th Edition Self-Study Course

This CPE program encourages you to think and practice critically, taking into consideration not only blood sugar management, but treatment of hypertension, renal insufficiency, and hyperlipidemia as well. The case studies presented outline realistic patients whose treatments can become complex, all while considering the safety and preferences of the whole person. I would recommend this CPE to anyone looking to feel confident in medication management with diabetes.

Casey Seiden MS, RDN, CDN, CDE
American Association of Diabetes Educators Quick Guide to Medications, 9th Edition Self-Study Course

The CPE course provides a wonderful and comprehensive overview for RDNs on the aspects of eating disorder care. The eating disorder pocket guide and CPE course is a great resource for new and seasoned RDNs in the field.

Jessica Barth Nesbitt, MA, RD, LD, CEDRD-S
Pocket Guide to Eating Disorders Course

Navigating the details of the MDS is fraught with peril; this course helps to guide you correctly along the way.

Jane Bennett, MS, RDN, CD
Minimum Data Set 3.0 RAI Manual v1.17 Course

"This is an excellent CPE program. In my experience educating other professionals about baby-led weaning (BLW), I have learned that professional resources on this emerging area of nutrition are sorely needed. Moreover, because the Born to Eat book goes beyond the basics of BLW and discusses family meals, body positivity and raising children to trust food and their bodies, any nutrition professional will benefit from incorporating the concepts from this self-study course into practice."

Diana Rice, RD, LD, CLEC
Born to Eat Course, 2

"As a pediatric registered dietitian, I'm a self-feeding approach advocate. Having this CPE program will encourage more dietitians and healthcare providers to learn up to date information. It will help practitioners to guide families in introducing complimentary foods and to learn about the self-feeding approach."

Alexandra Briceno RDN, LDN, CSPN
Born to Eat Course

"This is an excellent resource for any and all dietitians working in acute care of long term care."

Jamie Ritchie MS, RD, CSG, LDN
ASPEN Enteral Nutrition Handbook 2nd Edition Course, 2

"ASPEN Enteral Nutrition Handbook 2nd Edition Continuing Professional Education Course is an excellent resource for RDNs who are providing guidance and recommendations regarding enteral nutrition. Based on the latest research and evidence based practice for every stage of life from pediatrics to geriatrics, the handbook is easy to understand with a convenient and well organized index for quick reference."

Cindy Frey, RD CSG
ASPEN Enteral Nutrition Handbook, 2nd edition Course

"All facility owners should require this course yearly for RDNs, CDMs, and all dining service staff. Other facility staff who prepare or serve foods to residents/patients should also be required to take this course so they understand the risks of foodborne illness."

Marne Keeler, RDN, LD, Consultant RDN for 20 years in TX and OH
Food Code 2017 Course

"Excellent for application of knowledge and skills of nutrition to the overall survey process."

Brenda Richardson, MA, RDN, LD, CD, FAND, Owner/President, Salem, IN
CMS State Operations Manual Appendix PP Course (2)

"This course provides the learner a tool with which to study the detailed information contained in F-tags and determine if current in-house procedures "measure up" to the intent of the regulation."

Jane Bennett, MS, RDN, CD, Owner, RD Services, Bloomfield, IN
CMS State Operations Manual Appendix PP Course (1)

"The questions are quite appropriate and actually in more detail than some of the questions on the CSSD exam. Plus the questions go beyond the general to the specific areas that sports dietitians must know."

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Sports Nutrition: A Handbook for Professionals, 6th Edition Course (2)

"Yes, this is great! There isn’t anything out there like it to my knowledge. I wish it was available when I was studying for my first CSSD exam."

Kelly L. Pritchett (Kerr), PhD, RD, CSSD
Sports Nutrition: A Handbook for Professionals, 6th Edition Course

"There is so much interest among dietitians to practice in sports nutrition but evidence and recommendations based on the literature must be the foundation for practice...this delivers on the science and the application."

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN
Sports Nutrition: A Handbook for Professionals, 6th Edition Course (3)

"By making this a CPE program, it actually gives credit for the amount of time and education needed with knowing the facility's policies and procedures are current and 'best practice'."

Brenda Richardson, MA, RDN, LD, CD, FAND
Policy & Procedure Manual: For Nutrition and Food Service in Healthcare Facilities, 2019 Course

"It's vital for professionals to know best practices. This CPE program provides comprehensive policies and procedures without the need to spend hours developing the manual. Plenty of useful forms and references."

Linda S. Eck Mills, MBA, RDN, LDN, FADA
Policy & Procedure Manual: For Nutrition and Food Service in Healthcare Facilities, 2019 Course

"A comprehensive addition to diabetes-related CPE programs, highlighting the integral role of the nutrition professional."

Amy Lynn (Hess) Fischl, MS, RDN, LDN, BC-ADM, CDE
AADE Quick Guide to Medications for Diabetes Course

"This book is very comprehensive and is much more than just a diet manual. Great book for a new RDN just starting to work in LTC as well as the seasoned RDN who is looking to expand knowledge on areas he/she may not have in their everyday practice (such as the topics in the special diseases and condition section). Even the appendix has a wealth of information. Wonderful reference manual!"

Mary Ellen Posthauer, RDN, CD, LD, FAND
Diet and Nutrition Care Manual

"This is an excellent comprehensive resource for dietitians working in a variety of settings including acute care hospitals, long term care settings and even in an outpatient settings. It has a variety of resources including reference materials for assessments and educational materials for patients. It is up to date including IDDSI, which continues to be a big area of interest  for those working in long term and acute care where dysphagia diets are ordered."

Jamie Ritchie, MS, RD, CSG, LDN, CBIS
Diet and Nutrition Care Manual Course

"I feel this would make a good CPE program for any dietitians who want to have their knowledge of the standards of care assessed, perhaps in preparation for becoming a certified diabetes educator. It provides well-rounded case studies that touch on important recent changes in the guidelines."

Casey Seiden, MS, RD, CDN, CDE, Educator at The Institute for Family Health, New York, NY
2019 ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes

"This is an excellent review course for nutrition assessment, the NCP process, and NFPE. It provides a multitude of resources for any practitioner considering a research project."

JoAnne Genest, RDN, CSG
Nutrition Assessment: Clinical and Research Applications

"This is a treasure-trove of nutrition knowledge that includes chapter specific study questions and resources along with suggested activities to reinforce learning."

Jane Bennett, MS, RDN, CD
Nutrition Assessment: Clinical Research Applications

“My nutrition consulting company (with over 50 RDNs) uses Becky Dorner & Associates nearly exclusively to meet our continuing education needs outside of our own in-person training. I trust that any continuing education provided by BDA is current, on-point and delivered in a professional and concise manner. Becky and her staff have the pulse on what we need as nutrition professionals.”

Sue Stillman Linja, RDN, LD, President of S&S Nutrition Network, Inc. Co-Founder, Officer, and Vice President of LTC Nutrition Counseling, LLC, Boise, Idaho

“I prefer Becky Dorner & Associates to other CPE providers because they have the most relevant, cutting-edge topics at an affordable price. Not only are the continuing education programs enjoyable and useful, but the E-zine and other publications keep me up to date on what is happening in the industry.”

Kathy Warwick, RD, CDE, Owner, Professional Nutrition Consultants, LLC, Madison, Mississippi

“I have been recommending Becky Dorner & Associates’ products to my clients and fellow clinicians for 20 years. They provide the most current information and educational resources on topics relevant to my practice by striving to make key issues easy to understand and implement. It’s like ‘one stop shopping’ and by far the best place to obtain CPE credits and the latest industry news.”

Mary Ellen Posthauer, RDN, CD, LD, FAND, President MEP Healthcare Dietary Services, Inc., Evansville, Indiana

“As a nutrition and dietetics professor, it is wonderful to see such high-quality educational opportunities for registered dietitian nutritionists. Becky Dorner & Associates provides educational opportunities for topics that are on the cutting edge of nutrition research and practical application.”

SeAnne Safaii-Waite, PhD, RDN, LD, Associate Professor of Foods and Nutrition, University of Idaho



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