The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Pressure Injury in Vulnerable Populations – Short Course

Required Reading!
Course Expires October 1, 2025
Credits: 2
Accreditations: CDR
Required Reading

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Learn about the relationship between malnutrition and pressure injury development with this case-study based CPE program.

This continuing professional education (CPE) self-study short course includes required reading of an article that outlines the relationship between malnutrition and pressure injury development and recommends that clinicians use the 2019 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline as a template for quality nutrition care of patients at risk for or with pressure injuries.

A case-study based CPE program assists the learner to apply the information to their work setting.

Purchasing Options: This is available as eDocument + CPE Test only. Includes a link to the required reading in the course document, electronic test, and 1 certificate with passing grade.

After completing this continuing professional education course, the learner should be able to:

  1. Interpret and integrate evidence-based research and literature in decision-making for patients with pressure injuries.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of nutrient requirements throughout the lifespan, and their role in prevention and treatment of pressure injuries.
  3. Integrate new knowledge of pressure injuries into practice.
  4. Select interventions intended to resolve or improve nutrition diagnosis.

This course is intended for: RDNs and NDTRs

CDR Activity Number: 172775 Self Study Activity Type: 720 Printed

CPE Level: II

Suggested CDR Performance Indicators:

      • 4.1.2 Interprets and integrates evidence-based research and literature in decision-making.
      • 8.1.5 Demonstrates knowledge of nutrient requirements throughout the lifespan, and their role in health promotion and disease prevention.
      • 8.2.4 Integrates new knowledge of disease states and clinical conditions into practice.
      • 10.3.4 Selects interventions intended to resolve or improve nutrition diagnoses.

Note: Numerous other Performance Indicators may apply.

This self-study course includes required reading, a downloadable course document and an online exam with multiple choice, case study based questions. Upon passing the test, the learner can download and print the certificate.

Required Reading for this Course: Malnutrition and Pressure Injury Risk in Vulnerable Populations: Application of the 2019 International Clinical Practice Guideline (a link to the document is included in the downloadable course document).

Disclaimer: The text associated with this course is required solely for the course taker to learn the underlying principles that will be applied in taking a case-study based exam. Neither the authors nor the publishers of the text/book have contributed to or endorsed this course.


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It is important for clinicians to be able to identify residents who are malnourished or at risk for malnutrition as it relates to wound care. It is also important to note and understand that residents who are malnourished or at risk for malnutrition will be at risk for longer hospital stays as well as being at risk for other comorbid conditions. Early intervention to address and treat nutrition concerns is key as it relates to vulnerable populations as discussed in this self study course.
- The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Pressure Injury in Vulnerable Populations Short Course
Cindy Frey, RDN, CSG
Pressure injuries can be improved and prevented by appropriate and timely dietary interventions. This improves patient overall well-being and decreases length of stay. Too many facilities, especially those who are short staffed, are lacking pressure injury prevention knowledge. This course provides the RDN or NDTR with tools to create standards of care and protocols to address pressure injuries.
- The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Pressure Injury in Vulnerable Populations Short Course
Lori Stevens, RD, LDN
This CPE course is essential for all levels of practitioner in ensuring they are providing the most up-to-date, quality care for at-risk residents with pressure injuries. Additionally, this program will assist practitioners in implementing up-to-date, evidence-based practices into their facilities.
- The Relationship Between Malnutrition and Pressure Injury in Vulnerable Populations Short Course
Elizabeth Reynolds, RDN, LD

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