Laboratory Assessment of Nutritional Status: Bridging Theory and Practice – Book Only

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Learn from the nation’s leading educator on laboratory assessment of nutritional status!

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Cutting-edge reference for professionals working in all healthcare settings. Unique reference book that summarizes the nutritional significance of each laboratory test, factors that increase or decrease lab test results, and related tests. Includes many laboratory tests for vitamin and mineral deficiencies that are not found in standard lab references. Fundamental resource for professors teaching MNT/NCP to undergraduate students and for dietetic interns. 2017 Edition.

  • Key sections on inflammatory biomarkers, hydration, nutritional anemias, vitamin mineral deficiencies
  • Nutritional significance of 115+ blood, urine and stool tests.
  • Comprehensive list of medications that may give false test results

Dr. Mary Litchford, PhD, RD, LDN, is a trailblazer in the field of dietetics known nationally as an acclaimed speaker, author, medical-legal expert and consultant to health care providers. She began her career in public health nutrition setting up WIC programs and then spent a decade teaching dietetics students at University of North Carolina-Greensboro and North Carolina A & T State University.

For the last 20 years, she has demonstrated her expertise as a nutrition entrepreneur. She is president of CASE Software & Books, a professional and educational resource company focusing on advanced level continuing education for Registered Dietitians and computer-based instructional materials for dietetics students. She also lectures throughout the country at state affiliate meetings, DPG conferences and industry sponsored programs.

She has written 26 professional reference books, 18 instructional software programs for dietetics students, numerous chapters in college textbooks and ADA publications, many referred scholarly articles and other professional publications. She has written numerous continuing education products for the Association of Nutrition & Food Service Professionals and wrote the clinical nutrition curriculum for the Certified Dietary Managers Course for North Carolina Community Colleges.


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