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Disaster Planning Resources for Continued COVID-19 Support and Spring Weather Preparedness

Emergency planning tools

 Dealing with natural disasters during a pandemic can be overwhelming, but the reality is that disasters, such as snow and ice storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes can happen at any moment, even during a pandemic. So how do we plan for an emergency – while in a state of emergency? One key element is evident: preparedness can make the difference between success and failure – and no one wants to fail during a disaster. We must navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 and make changes to disaster preparation methods that were in place prior to the pandemic.

Natural disasters can cause sudden challenges such as power outages, non-access to roads and highways, disruptions in emergency response services and store closures. Water, food, sanitation and disinfectant supplies, and medications are of the utmost importance and should all be considered in your emergency response plan.

Browse the resources below for more information on disaster preparedness and planning.

NATIONAL DIALOGUE FOR HEALTHCARE INNOVATION: Framework for Private-Public Collaboration on Disaster Preparedness and Response

Healthcare Leadership Council

The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) and Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy collaborated on an initiative to strengthen the U.S. health care sector’s capacity to prepare for and respond to future disasters. This downloadable framework highlights lessons learned from the response to the COVID-19 crisis and gives recommendations for how to prepare and respond to the next emergency.

Free Emergency Planning Resources

Becky Dorner & Associates

Update and refresh yourself on your own disaster/emergency plans and use these helpful resources to aid in the process. We have provided sample meal plans and other useful information on food safety, COVID-19 and more.

Free COVID-19 Resources

Becky Dorner & Associates

Access all the COVID-19 resources you might need, including staff training guides, manuals, downloadable guidelines, blog posts and more. We share articles and information from the industry’s most trusted resources.

Emergency/Disaster Plan

Emergency/Disaster Plan for Food and Dining Services, 2018 Edition

Every health care facility is susceptible to unexpected circumstances that can affect the safety of patients/residents and staff. This manual provides detailed information on planning for emergencies, providing safe food and water supplies and preparing meals.

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