Laboratory Assessment of Nutrition Status: Making Clinical Connections Webinar

Course Expires December 6, 2026
Credits: 1.0
Accreditations: CDR

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Join award winning dietitian, Dr. Mary Litchford, PhD, RDN, LD as she discusses strategies to make clinical connections between lab values and nutrition diagnosis.

Webinar Description

Wondering how to use all the medical data to identify nutrition diagnoses? Learn strategies to make clinical connections between health, physical, diet history, NFPE and lab test results. Consider new tactics to use lab test results as a component of collaborative, person-centered care. Join award winning dietitian, Dr. Mary Litchford, PhD, RDN, LD for this webinar to discuss strategies and best practices to make decisions related to nutrition care.  

Note: If you purchase the live session, the recording is automatically added to your BDA account within a few days of the live event. To access the recording, sign into your BDA account at: and choose Webinars.

After completing this continuing education course the learner should be able to:

  1. Assess laboratory test results for hydration status, inflammation, nutrition-related anemia, micronutrient deficiencies, and other nutrition-related chronic disorder.
  2. Discuss the impact of chronic use of medications associated with impaired nutrient absorption.
  3. Apply principles of the Nutrition Care Process in the laboratory assessment of nutritional status.

This course is intended for: RDNs and NDTRs

CDR Activity Number: Live: 179565  / Recorded: 179564

Activity Type: 171 Live Webinar/175 Recorded Pre-approved CPE

CPE Level: 2

Suggested Performance Indicators:

  • 8.1.2 Integrates knowledge of biological, physical, and social sciences with knowledge of food and nutrition to make decisions related to nutrition care.
  • 8.2.1 Engages in educational activities to maintain knowledge and to obtain new knowledge of diseases and clinical conditions.
  • 10.2.8 Recommends biochemical tests and reviews results to support diagnoses and plans of care.

Note: Numerous other Performance Indicators may apply.

Dr. Mary Litchford

Dr. Mary Litchford, PhD, RDN, LDN

Dr. Litchford is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and consultant to healthcare organizations. Her professional career has included clinical practice, university research and teaching, and business consulting. She is president of CASE Software & Books, a professional and educational resource company. 

She is Past President of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, 2021 recipient of the JoAnn Maklebust Life Time Achievement Award and was one of the NPIAP representatives on the International Clinical Practice Guideline Governance Group. She received the Excellence in Consultation & Business Practice Award from the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics for her contributions to translate nutrition science into real world applications for patients. 

Disclosures: Dr. Litchford discloses that she is consultant for Prosynthesis Labs, Abbott Nutrition and Nestle Nutrition, however, she certifies that no conflict of interest exists for this program.


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