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Holiday Tips for Nutrition Professionals

The holidays are a time for loved ones to join together and celebrate timeless customs and traditions. But maintaining a healthy diet during the holidays may feel like a challenge for older adults with health issues.

As a nutrition professional, you play a crucial role in providing advice and resources, and you may even be in charge of preparing healthy meals for your patients. Whether your role is to assist with nutritional advice or to prepare and serve special foods for the holidays, the following articles, resources and courses can help you make this holiday season healthy, safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Should Older Adults Ditch the Diet for the Holiday Season?

Becky Dorner & Associates

Every individual is unique and our advice should be tailored to individual needs. Generally speaking, most frail older adults can probably throw the rules out for a special holiday meal. Healthier older adults that are trying to reach certain goals can use our help to make these occasions special while still maintaining a healthy diet throughout the holidays.

Turkey from Farm to Table

United States Department of Agriculture

In preparation for Thanksgiving, take a look at answers provided by the USDA to common questions about turkey. Questions center around the raising of turkeys and addition of hormones, labeling and product dating, storage and safe thawing methods, guidelines for preparation and more.

Sample Thanksgiving Menu

Becky Dorner & Associates

Our sample Thanksgiving menu is intended for health care facilities serving older adults and uses liberalized diets for the holiday. We’ve included specific measurements and stipulations for different types of diets such as low sodium, low sugar and liquid.

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